Urban Family Shoot

The Childs' family wanted to do something non-traditional for their annual photo shoot so we headed downtown Vegas. I had scouted out the area earlier with my daughter to do a test shoot but when the family arrived that day we got a bonus. Someone had thrown away two surprisingly awesome velvet couches. We drug one down the alley to use as a prop. As you can see it turned out amazing.

On the downside alleys can tend to be unpredictable and changing environments. For example we had scouted it on a Sunday afternoon and it was tidy, quiet, and had empty dumpster. Tuesday afternoon there were full dumpsters, foot traffic, and cars that we had to deal with. Still a great location but will definitely pick a Sunday to do urban shoots from now on.

Rachel K

Rachel K
Photographer, blogger, mother, friend, missionary, teacher, traveler, lover of beautiful things

About Me

Las Vegas, Nevada
There is something so gratifying about photography: To the photographer it is getting home and seeking out those gems of the day from a photo shoot, to the audience a good picture is like a universal soulful sigh. Photography is the language of life for which no interpreter is ever needed.